Отзывы о смесителях Shruder их достоинствах и недостатках

Shruder mixers: reviews

Consider the feedback of customers about the most popular models of this brand. The owners of the cheapest modification MM354G respond mostly positively. Among the advantages:

  • Inexpensive price.
  • Aesthetic appeal.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Reliability and long working life.


  • During operation, the crane starts to rotate with the lever.
  • Because of the flat spout, water is supplied with a minimum head.

In the Bern model MR7005B-ND, consumers note the following features:

  • The country-producer of the Shruder mixer is Germany, although it is produced at the facilities in China.
  • Modern design.
  • Presence of the rotary regulator, allowing to correct position of the crane in any direction.
  • Durability.
  • Acceptable price.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the lack of a hose and watering cans in the base configuration.

Another model of the Shruder bath mixer is MI110-12. Customer feedback indicates that the product is shipped in a knitted bag in a box. This minimizes the possibility of its deformation during transportation. The set includes:

  • Mixer.
  • A pair of hoses.
  • Fixing fittings.
  • Passport and user manual.

The length of the hoses is 400 millimeters,the warranty card is valid for 3 years. To the work of plumbing special claims do not arise, the cranes are smoothly and clearly regulated, you can install the device yourself literally in half an hour.

How to disassemble a Shruder mixer?

Like all single-arm analogues, the crane under consideration is disassembled according to a single scheme. To understand this process more precisely, we begin with the device of adaptation. These products are available in two variations:

  1. A spherical variety. In this mechanism, a ball is provided that is equipped with a recess for passing hot, cold or warm water. The element is tightly aggregated with seals. The device is started by means of an adjusting rod.
  2. Cartridge version. Here instead of a ball a pair of ceramic plates (cartridge) is used. In the lower part there are holes for the passage of liquid, and at the top there is mixing of hot and cold flow.

Advantages of the single-lever type Shruder are the ease of use with the possibility of adjusting the temperature and the head of the water supply.

Repair problems

When disassembling the cartridge single-lever mixerthe main thing is not to touch the cartridge itself. Then the repair will take a little time. Below are the most popular problems and solutions:

  1. The ball mechanism is considered more practical, howevermore prone to corrosion. Sealing gaskets wear out, resulting in a water leak. Solve this problem by replacing seals or a broken ball.
  2. The ceramic cartridge is resistant to problem water and rust. Nevertheless, thin plates, if they fall into small debris, may crack.
  3. Any gaps provoke deformation of the bolt or rubber parts. Before replacing the unusable elements, it is desirable to clean the entire mechanism.
  4. Weak mounting of the lever causes the flow of water. To prevent malfunction, all elements must be tightened with the required force, and also use a sealant to seal small lumens.

Helpful information

If in the Shruder mixer (the photo is shown below)there is a different pressure of water, this indicates a blockage of the aerator. To solve the problem, disassemble the entire mechanism and rinse it well. If there is a significant noise during the operation of the crane, this indicates a loose fit of the parts. The issue is solved by dismantling the assembly, cutting the rubber, replacing the sealing rings.

Often troubles arise because of poor water quality. To avoid this, an additional filtration system must be installed.

For the kitchen is used mainlyvertical or mortise version, mounted in the sink. As a rule, the device has small dimensions, the lever is placed on the side. Optimum solution in terms of choosing a spout for the crane in the kitchen will be a replaceable copy.

Crane with a ball most often clogged on the siteoverflow of water. To clean this place, you need to remove the nuts in the spout, then pull out the protective mesh and clean it thoroughly. After that all the elements are collected in the reverse order.

Helpful information

If in the Shruder mixer (the photo is shown below)there is a different pressure of water, this indicates a blockage of the aerator. To solve the problem, disassemble the entire mechanism and rinse it well. If there is a significant noise during the operation of the crane, this indicates a loose fit of the parts. The issue is solved by dismantling the assembly, cutting the rubber, replacing the sealing rings.

Often troubles arise because of poor water quality. To avoid this, an additional filtration system must be installed.

For the kitchen is used mainlyvertical or mortise version, mounted in the sink. As a rule, the device has small dimensions, the lever is placed on the side. Optimum solution in terms of choosing a spout for the crane in the kitchen will be a replaceable copy.

Crane with a ball most often clogged on the siteoverflow of water. To clean this place, you need to remove the nuts in the spout, then pull out the protective mesh and clean it thoroughly. After that all the elements are collected in the reverse order.

How to disassemble a Shruder mixer?

Like all single-arm analogues, the crane under consideration is disassembled according to a single scheme. To understand this process more precisely, we begin with the device of adaptation. These products are available in two variations:

  1. A spherical variety. In this mechanism, a ball is provided that is equipped with a recess for passing hot, cold or warm water. The element is tightly aggregated with seals. The device is started by means of an adjusting rod.
  2. Cartridge version. Here instead of a ball a pair of ceramic plates (cartridge) is used. In the lower part there are holes for the passage of liquid, and at the top there is mixing of hot and cold flow.

Advantages of the single-lever type Shruder are the ease of use with the possibility of adjusting the temperature and the head of the water supply.

Демонтаж шлангов и фильтров

Перед началом демонтажа необходимо закрыть подводящий кран воды и убедиться, что вода перестала подаваться в систему. После этого можно приступать к отключению шлангов и фильтров.

1. Отверните гайки, которыми шланги прикреплены к смесителю. Используйте пассатижи или гаечный ключ, чтобы растянуть гайку против часовой стрелки.

2. Отсоедините шланги от смесителя. Некоторые модели шлангов имеют специальные кнопки или защелки, которые нужно нажать или повернуть, чтобы расстыковать шланги.

3. Проверьте состояние фильтров. Если они сильно загрязнены или повреждены, необходимо заменить их новыми.

4. Отверните гайки, которыми фильтры прикреплены к смесителю. Используйте пассатижи или гаечный ключ, чтобы растянуть гайку против часовой стрелки.

5. Аккуратно удалите фильтры из смесителя.

Теперь шланги и фильтры полностью демонтированы и готовы к замене или чистке.

Repair problems

When disassembling the cartridge single-lever mixerthe main thing is not to touch the cartridge itself. Then the repair will take a little time. Below are the most popular problems and solutions:

  1. The ball mechanism is considered more practical, howevermore prone to corrosion. Sealing gaskets wear out, resulting in a water leak. Solve this problem by replacing seals or a broken ball.
  2. The ceramic cartridge is resistant to problem water and rust. Nevertheless, thin plates, if they fall into small debris, may crack.
  3. Any gaps provoke deformation of the bolt or rubber parts. Before replacing the unusable elements, it is desirable to clean the entire mechanism.
  4. Weak mounting of the lever causes the flow of water. To prevent malfunction, all elements must be tightened with the required force, and also use a sealant to seal small lumens.

Possible malfunctions

The most common type of performance problemSingle-lever mixers are the supply of abrasive particles inside the machine. To prevent this malfunction, additional filters are recommended.

According to the design of the mixer Shruder for bath andthe kitchens are slightly different. In kitchen versions there is an increased height of the sink. In addition, these models have an additional switch for connection to washing machines and dishwashers. For a bathroom, a faucet with a shorter spout is more suitable, which reduces the likelihood of leakage. To these mixers in the kit is usually attached a headset for the shower.

Сборка смесителя и проверка работоспособности

После того, как вы разобрали и очистили все детали смесителя, пришло время его собрать обратно. Взгляните на все компоненты и убедитесь, что они находятся в хорошем состоянии и не имеют повреждений или износа.

1. Сначала возьмите корпус смесителя и вставьте в него картридж. Убедитесь, что картридж правильно поставлен и плотно сидит в отверстии, без люфта.

2. Затем установите пластиковые или металлические ручки на основание смесителя. Убедитесь, что ручки надежно фиксируются и не шатается.

3. После этого прикрепите всю сборку рукояток к корпусу смесителя. Проверьте, чтобы все крепления были плотными и не вызывали люфта.

4. Далее подключите гибкую подводку к входам на смеситель. Не забудьте правильно закрутить гайки на концах подводок и обязательно проверьте их герметичность.

5. Наконец, подключите водопроводные трубы к гибким подводкам и закрепите их гайками. Проверьте все соединения на протечки воды.

По завершению сборки смесителя тщательно проверьте его работоспособность:

1. Откройте горячий и холодный водопроводы и убедитесь в плавности перемещения рукояток.

2. Постепенно переводите рукоятки с положения «горячая» на «холодная» и обратно, проверяя температуру и проточность воды. Регулируйте смеситель, чтобы проверить его способность поддерживать постоянную температуру.

3. Аккуратно проверьте все соединения и крепления на наличие протечек воды. При обнаружении протеканий, плотно затяните гайки или замените уплотнительные кольца.

Если смеситель работает безупречно, вы успешно собрали и установили его. Если возникают проблемы или неисправности, рекомендуется обратиться к интернет-ресурсам или специалисту для получения дополнительной помощи или ремонта.

Manipulating the cartridge

A mixer for the kitchen Shruder with a cartridge is disassembled according to the following scheme:

  • The stub is marked, marked with a blue-red color.
  • Unscrew the hexagon or the screw securing the lever.
  • Unscrew the lock nut and remove the cartridge.
  • After replacing the elements, the assembly is in the reverse order.

Scheme disassembly of the ball structure:

  • The handle is removed and the screw is removed.
  • Using a screwdriver, unfold and remove the locking ring.
  • Gently remove the dome, so as not to deform the toothed ring-clamp.
  • After removing the ring, the contamination of the mechanism and the possibility of its rotation are checked.
  • The thyroid element is dismantled, then the seal is cleaned.
  • The ball is extracted.
  • After repair, the assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

Подготовка инструментов и места работы

Перед тем, как приступить к разборке смесителя Shruder, необходимо подготовить все необходимые инструменты и подготовить место работы. Это поможет выполнить задачу более эффективно и безопасно.

Для разборки смесителя Shruder вам понадобятся следующие инструменты:

1. Набор отверток разных размеров.
2. Приспособление для снятия рукоятки.
3. Ножницы для резки силиконовых уплотнителей.
4. Ключ для гайки крепления.
5. Набор пассатижей разных размеров.
6. Клей для герметизации после разборки.

Также необходимо подготовить место работы:

  • Включите основной кран водоснабжения и убедитесь, что вода перестала течь из смесителя. Это поможет избежать затопления и намокания подводящих труб.
  • Разместите ведро или контейнер под смеситель, чтобы ловить воду, которая может вытекать во время разборки.
  • Убедитесь, что на рабочей поверхности нет посторонних предметов, чтобы не потерять детали смесителя.
  • Для комфортного доступа к смесителю используйте плотный коврик или подставку. Это поможет избежать повреждения поверхности ванны или раковины.

Готовясь к разборке смесителя Shruder, помните о безопасности и предосторожности. Используйте перчатки и защитные очки при работе с инструментами

Это поможет избежать неприятных травм и повреждений.

Possible malfunctions

The most common type of performance problemSingle-lever mixers are the supply of abrasive particles inside the machine. To prevent this malfunction, additional filters are recommended.

According to the design of the mixer Shruder for bath andthe kitchens are slightly different. In kitchen versions there is an increased height of the sink. In addition, these models have an additional switch for connection to washing machines and dishwashers. For a bathroom, a faucet with a shorter spout is more suitable, which reduces the likelihood of leakage. To these mixers in the kit is usually attached a headset for the shower.

Shruder mixers: reviews

Consider the feedback of customers about the most popular models of this brand. The owners of the cheapest modification MM354G respond mostly positively. Among the advantages:

  • Inexpensive price.
  • Aesthetic appeal.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Reliability and long working life.


  • During operation, the crane starts to rotate with the lever.
  • Because of the flat spout, water is supplied with a minimum head.

In the Bern model MR7005B-ND, consumers note the following features:

  • The country-producer of the Shruder mixer is Germany, although it is produced at the facilities in China.
  • Modern design.
  • Presence of the rotary regulator, allowing to correct position of the crane in any direction.
  • Durability.
  • Acceptable price.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the lack of a hose and watering cans in the base configuration.

Another model of the Shruder bath mixer is MI110-12. Customer feedback indicates that the product is shipped in a knitted bag in a box. This minimizes the possibility of its deformation during transportation. The set includes:

  • Mixer.
  • A pair of hoses.
  • Fixing fittings.
  • Passport and user manual.

The length of the hoses is 400 millimeters,the warranty card is valid for 3 years. To the work of plumbing special claims do not arise, the cranes are smoothly and clearly regulated, you can install the device yourself literally in half an hour.

Manipulating the cartridge

A mixer for the kitchen Shruder with a cartridge is disassembled according to the following scheme:

  • The stub is marked, marked with a blue-red color.
  • Unscrew the hexagon or the screw securing the lever.
  • Unscrew the lock nut and remove the cartridge.
  • After replacing the elements, the assembly is in the reverse order.

Scheme disassembly of the ball structure:

  • The handle is removed and the screw is removed.
  • Using a screwdriver, unfold and remove the locking ring.
  • Gently remove the dome, so as not to deform the toothed ring-clamp.
  • After removing the ring, the contamination of the mechanism and the possibility of its rotation are checked.
  • The thyroid element is dismantled, then the seal is cleaned.
  • The ball is extracted.
  • After repair, the assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

Извлечение керамического картриджа

Шаг 1: Отключите подачу воды к смесителю, закрыв краны, которые обычно находятся под раковиной или в ванной.

Шаг 2: Ослабьте гайки, фиксирующие картридж, с помощью подходящего ключа или гаечного ключа. Обычно их нужно повернуть против часовой стрелки, чтобы ослабить.

Шаг 3: Извлеките картридж с помощью рук или плоскогубцев. Он может быть немного приклеен или зафиксирован, поэтому может потребоваться некоторое усилие, чтобы его извлечь.

Шаг 4: Осмотрите картридж на наличие повреждений или износа. Если он поврежден или изношен, замените его новым.

Шаг 5: Если керамический картридж в порядке, проверьте его уплотнительные кольца и прокладки. Если они изношены или повреждены, замените их новыми.

Шаг 6: Установите новый или отремонтированный картридж в обратном порядке. Убедитесь, что он правильно фиксируется и герметично устанавливается.

Шаг 7: Плотно закрутите гайки, чтобы удержать картридж на месте. Убедитесь, что они надежно закреплены, чтобы предотвратить протечки.

Шаг 8: Включите подачу воды и проверьте, нет ли протечек. При необходимости продолжайте регулировать гайки, чтобы обеспечить герметичность.

Шаг 9: После окончательной установки картриджа проверьте работу смесителя: открывайте и закрывайте краны, регулируйте температуру и напор воды.

Следуя этой пошаговой инструкции, вы сможете без проблем извлечь и заменить керамический картридж смесителя Shruder для ванны.

( Пока оценок нет )
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